
Services and history

歡迎來到安度創研企業社Andegree R&D Co., 這裡是滿足您所有外出包包需求的終極目的地。Andegree R&D Co.擁有多年面料開發研發經歷並講究包袋輕量,防潑水且時尚簡約風格。這是我們包包的三個主要特點,使它們成為任何場合或任何天氣的理想選擇。

無論您是旅行者、商務人士、母親還是戶外運動愛好者,您都可以在 Andegree R&D Co. Bags 找到適合您的完美包。我們的袋子由耐用、透氣且易於清潔的優質材料製成。它們設計重量輕,因此您可以舒適地攜帶它們,而不會對您的肩膀或背部感到任何壓力。對於具有防潑水性能的面料選材,這意味著它們可以在雨天保護您的物品免受雨水或溢出物的影響。

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building

People and culture

Our people are what make us unique. Rather than outsourcing our construction engineers from questionable outsourcing establishments, we provide them with an environment that supports professional growth.

We are strong believers in giving our employees a voice. Our teams are put together with the help of our resident psychologist to ensure maximum productivity and engagement.

woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
Esther Bryce

Founder / Interior designer

woman in black blazer with brown hair
woman in black blazer with brown hair
Lianne Wilson


man standing near white wall
man standing near white wall
Jaden Smith


woman smiling wearing denim jacket
woman smiling wearing denim jacket
Jessica Kim
